Help on activating your portal account
Please use this feature if you haven't activated your portal account and don't have the activation link.
We'll send you a new activation link on your email.
Step 1
Your Customer ID is found on the bottom of letters / pdf attachment on emails we sent you.
Date of Birth:
Please provide your date of birth.
This is the email address that you provided when you submitted your application for NCD Financial account via website.
Characters on the image:
Please enter the characters you see on the image. This is to protect your information.
Step 2
Activation link:
We'll send you an email with activation link. Please click on the link and follow the next step.
Final Step
Please provide the email (if the system asks for one) address that you'll be using to sign-in to your online portal.
Please provide a password that you'll be using to sign-in to your online portal.
( The password must be at least 8 characters and have at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit and one special character. Valid special characters are !@#$%^&+= )
- Your portal account is ready to be accessed.
Note: The above steps are only for customers who submitted their application for a NCD Financial account via website.